Nippon Weddings
日本海外婚禮的專家. 專注策劃沖繩教堂婚禮. 日本教堂婚禮.
我們是一間日本海外婚禮公司. 擁有十年以上經驗. 提供不同教堂的婚禮套餐. 不論價錢和服務. 務求做到最好. 衷心希望客人有一個難忘的婚禮
除了日本海外婚禮策劃外. 還有提供婚禮宴會. 婚紗攝影和攝錄. 盡力提供各種配合海外婚禮的配套設施
Our Major Business Partners
- TUTU (Okinawa)
- NAOCO (Okinawa & Osaka)
- MONTEREY HOTEL group (Osaka)
- Rose Garden Church (Hokkaido)
- All About Wedding- Best Overseas Wedding Photographer Award (2014)
- Wedding Magazine – Best Photo Style of Overseas Wedding Photo (2014 & 2015)
- Wedding Magazine – Best Services of Oversea Photographer (2013)

Core Values
Our professional wedding planning team provides quality services through our comprehensive experience in overseas wedding planning with selected quality chapels for your wedding ceremony, since we understand you are expecting a memorable wedding ceremony.
Strong moral in business is easily neglected, but we insist this is an essential factor of long-term partnership, as well as to win the respect and trust from all of our customers.
We always try our best to provide professional advice or personal recommendations with a positive attitude to accompany our customers in the process of wedding planning, since we understand this is a complex process to put many trivial issues into order.