Renaissance Ribera Church
Renaissance Ribera Church
“Renaissance Ribera Church” is a standalone church located on a headland within the Renaissance Resort Okinawa. The church’s name means “sacred seashore”, and it is inspired by the white-walled churches along the Mediterranean coast. Its unique location offers stunning views of the azure sea to the horizon. A floor-to-ceiling window behind the altar features a cross, creating the illusion of a wedding ceremony on the sea, which is extremely romantic. Couples can also choose to take wedding photos with adorable dolphins, which is truly unique.
“Renaissance Ribera Church”是位於度假酒店Renaissance Resort Okinawa內,建築在海岬上的獨棟式教堂。教堂的名稱含有“神聖海濱”之意,以地中海沿岸白牆教會作靈感,其獨特的地理位置,能將遠至水平線的湛藍大海一覽無遺;聖壇背後有一面落地玻璃窗,窗上設有十字架,讓人有一種恍如在海面舉行婚禮的錯覺,極致浪漫。更可選擇與可愛的海豚. 拍攝婚照. 獨一無二。
Package Details
◆ Wedding Planning
◆ Chapel Rental
◆ Chapel Decoration
◆ Minister / Celebrant
◆ Wedding Certificate (Symbolic)
◆ On-site Coordination
◆ Translator
◆ Bridal Bouquet & Groom Boutonneire
◆ Wedding Music Arrangement
◆ Photography
◆ Bridal Make Up & Hair-Do
◆ Make Up Trial in Hong Kong
◆ Wedding gown and Men’s suit rental