Le Centinfolia Osaka

Le Centinfolia Osaka

A wedding venue located in the heart of Osaka, with a resort-like atmosphere, but filled with soothing greenery and the scent of nature. The church is lined with glass on both sides, while outside there are waterfalls and ponds.

位於大阪市中心地區,具有度假勝地氛圍的婚禮殿堂,但卻充滿舒緩的綠意和大自然的氣息,教堂內兩旁是玻璃. 而外面卻是瀑布和水池。

Bridal Walk
Seating Capacity
About 120 people
Ceremony Language
Japanese / English
Wedding Music
Hotel Suggestion

Package Details

◆ Wedding Planning
◆ Chapel Rental
◆ Chapel Decoration
◆ Minister / Celebrant
◆ Wedding Certificate (Symbolic)
◆ On-site Coordination
◆ Translator

◆ Bridal Bouquet & Groom Boutonneire
◆ Wedding Music Arrangement
◆ Photography
◆ Bridal Make Up & Hair-Do
◆ Make Up Trial in Hong Kong
◆ Wedding gown and Men’s suit rental

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